Electricity Debate
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James Williams (A.G.)
1/24/2011 10:51:44 am

I am James Williams; I am a miner in Arizona. I live an honest life as a Copper Miner. My father mined before me and I apprenticed to him to learn the skills of the trade. As copper being my product, and DC being the main user of copper, I believe the U.S. should use Direct Current as its primary power source. This would not only support copper but coal miners as well because coal is the primary power source for DC
Manny copper miners have recently lost their jobs due to a decrease in the demand of copper. Mining is a great and flourishing industry in America. If AC is chosen that might change. Many miners would lose their jobs. There would not be a sufficient amount of jobs for all the jobless miners, and many citizens would be in poverty. Therefore to continue the flourishing work of mining we must choose DC as America’s main power source.

Tom Robbinson
1/28/2011 04:21:36 am

I am Tom Robinson. I'm a young, 15 year old coal miner who lives in Pennsylvania. I personally would prefer DC as the source, since it's a lot safer than AC.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
1/29/2011 01:20:34 am

Hello, my name is George Westinghouse; some of you may know me as the competitor of Thomas Edison. I support the Alternating Current power source. I believe that this power source should be the one that America uses. The reason I believe this is that with this power source we would be able to send a lot of power to very long distances, plus we would use water as a resource, but we wouldnt be consuming any water in the process, and we would not be using up so many non renewable resources such as coal. The way we would create these large power sources would be through the water power plants, which harness the power of large falls and dams. This would in turn create thousands of kilowatts of power, stretching for hundreds of miles.
The example I have for you is the Niagara Falls project. We will be able to send 22,500 kilowatts of power to Buffalo city a 15 miles distance, we will be able to send 15,000 kilowatts to Albany a 330 mile difference, 7,500 kilowatts to Syracuse a 164 mile distance, 7,500 kilowatts to Schenectady a 300 mile distance, and 15,000 kilowatts to various points along the canal, for barge populations. This will create a grand total of 67,500 kilowatts of power which stretches all the way to the outskirts of Buffalo city.
We can sell this for 22.14$ a kilowatt. This would be cheaper than the triple-expansion steam engines. Also we could hold much more power in stock, and we could deliver power at a constant rate so that power never stops flowing. We are also creating new jobs by creating the falls and dams projects, we will need many workers to help construct dams, and will need people to help maintain the falls and dams systems. By using the water power systems we aren’t consuming coal at such a large rate which means we will be preserving non renewable resources and we will be using renewable resources.

Some people have been concerned about the safety of the A.C. power source and I just wanted to say the reasons why we have made it safe. We have created a safe converter system for the electricity which makes the voltage a minimum of 300V in one wire, which is a safe amount of electricity. We have also created some underground wiring systems which allows the electricity to travel safely underground. You may also be ensured that you will not obtain any electric shock due to our wiring systems here at the Westinghouse company.

Francis Upton (JLG)
1/30/2011 04:19:53 am

Hello, my name is Francis Upton, Thomas Edison’s assistant. I am a big supporter of DC power. DC stands for direct current. You need a power source and wires for it to work. It is a constant flow of electrons from negative to positive areas, but the current goes from positive to negative. Resistance is measured in Ohms, the voltage is measured in Volts, and the current is Amps. There are three main reasons that DC power is better. First of all, Thomas Edison, the best scientist in the world, invented it. His inventions have helped us deal with various things conveniently, like listening to music and giving light to our homes. He invented the incandescent light bulb, so why would we not use his invention? Second, even though DC can only travel about a mile before losing power, you just need more wires and electric plants. Most of Manhattan that already has electricity uses DC power, and it would cost a lot of money to switch the entire island to AC. It would not make sense to waste money on tearing down DC plants and building AC ones, when the island already has electricity.
There are also reasons that AC power is worse, including the above two, but the most important reason is AC is much more dangerous. AC killed a man. Superintendent Henry, a skilled electrician, was killed by contact with 1000 volts of an alternating current in 1889, and this has happened before. Officials are trying to make a chair in which alternating currents enter your body and kill you. They want to use this chair to kill people on death row. This means it is very dangerous.

Francis Jehl (ANB)
1/30/2011 05:17:01 am

Hello, my name is Francis Jehl.I work for Thomas Edison. I have worked for him since the age of 16. I am all for DC (Direct Current) because i believe it is the better choice and i am very loyal to Edison. I believe that all the work he did truly change electricity for forever. Chemical batteries, Electrostatic Generators and Layden jars are often used to collect DC.Batteries and DC generators are also commonly used.

DC is a better choice than AC for many reasons. The AC lighting system uses a bigger solar panel and wind generator than the DC lighting system. This in the long run costs alot more money to buy materials for AC lighting than DC.Also DC can be powered directly from the battery bank so you dont spend the extra money you would spend if you used AC which has to include an inverter.

DC is also better because AC took longer to realize that it was safer to have the wires underground to take them out of harms way. AC has killed many people because it is dangerous and too powerful. It killed workers that have fallen on wires or had accidents by burning hands. It kills people at the touch, instantly.

The Volts used in AC are dramatically higher than DCs voltage use.Even though the distance traveled for AC is longer, the risks in using AC are way too high for us to use it.DC is already used in mostb citys and everyone is happy about the electricity.. Most cities are afraid that one of the citizens could hit the current driving down the street and die.

DC is the over all better choice. It is safer more efficient and the people are happier about it. I think you should ask yourself which current is safer for the people and works better?

Governor of New York
1/30/2011 06:21:26 am

Hello I am the Governor of New York i am for Alternating Current power.It is going to bring more money to New York so if you live their that is good.AC power can send a electric charge that can change direction and that does frequently.AC power would use the natural resource of Niagra Falls, and other water resources to power it in New York and in America.I beleive that it should be used througout America. We also have a very smart man Nikola Tesla who dedicated his whole life to finding ways to develope uses for Alternating Current. In using Niagra Falls as a power source it is renwable, but coal and copper is not. It would be a smart move to use AC instead of DC. I do beleive that there is a downside for coal and copper miners, but with harnessing the power of these huge water sources it will take lots of men to do this job. So it could mean a lot more jobs with AC power. With DC power it consumes to much natural and unrenewable resources. AC power would not need to use up unrenewable resources as DC would. So in the long run Alternating current is clearly the better choice.

Cornilious Franklin Helium
1/30/2011 07:06:51 am

Hello!! I am C.F. Helium and I am an honest living man in New York. As a citizen, I believe that DC power is way better than AC power. DC power is a lot safer, more efficient, and helps a whole lot in the house. For example air conditioning, lamps, TVs, and light sources. When AC power is basically a battery, and it eventually will run-out of battery and besides it not safe what so ever. As a citizen why be AC (fast and in danger) when I could be DC (a little slower but always depended on)

Harold Brickner(ON)
1/30/2011 07:22:42 am

My name is Harold Brickner, and I am a government representative. I have searched both currents and have based my decision upon which is safe, what the people want, priced right, and helps the economy. Also, our country needs an effective current that will last for generations, so our future leaders dont have to argue about the same conflicts we face today.
I have chosen direct current, for the following reasons. Our country does its best to keep everyone safe, which alternating current doesn’t contribute to. Alternating current can kill a dog at 160 volts, when set at a higher voltage it can harm and be fatal to humans. Alternating current contains high pressure in the wires, which are very hazardous and unnecessary. The people in our country are scared of the accidents that can be caused by alternating current. In addition to being scared, people are afraid they will loose there jobs, due to the production slowing down in certain areas and certain fields of work. The different products and the inverters used to make alternating currents energy is expensive. The products used to make direct current, such as coal, which in 1895 costed $2.98/ton, are way cheaper. People can barley afford monthly payments for lights, but the costs for inverters would tear down the demand for the technology. The use of bigger solar panels and wind generators alternating current uses are more expensive than what direct current needs. The chemical batteries, electrostatic generators, mechanical dynamiter, in which dynamos are strung in a tandem line, and direct current generators all produce direct current in a more efficient and inexpensive way. Although direct current can’t travel far, we can make more wires and plants to carry on the energy in a safe way. Our country already uses direct current so why change what everyones comfortable with? Edison and his companies are always on top of new discoveries, so putting our future technology in his hands will turn out with many tremendous outcomes.

Nikola Tesla
1/30/2011 07:43:32 am

Hi my name is Nikola Tesla and I am hear to talk about how AC is better than DC. I helpeed create the AC revolution. I was with Westinghouse and helping him create the AC unit. I created a roationg motor. The resistance of the motor helped city growth and city operations. I studied and studied to create a releiable electric unit. I created motors and polyphase motors. I created operational technology.

Charles Williamson
1/30/2011 08:11:45 am

My name is George Williamson. I am a government official and I am supporting DC power because I think it will save Pennsylvania money. It will also provide jobs for people such as coal mining. DC power is generated by DC generators. It has a low voltage compared to AC power and it goes in one direction. It has a higher resistance than AC power, and it is cheaper than AC power. It travels less far than AC power but it is safer to work with because of the lower voltage. It is consumed more than AC power because engines run off of it and batteries run off of it, which is used in printing presses and smaller electronics. I think DC power is best for Pennsylvania.

Roswell Colcord (AS)
1/30/2011 09:17:39 am

I am Roswell Colcord, the present Governor of Nevada. I strongly believe that the nation should use AC power. I have been following Niagara Falls and how it creates power using generators. The generators convert the energy into AC power and transmit it to nearby cities. They use 13 generators and 12 reversible-pump generators making 2,700,000 kilowatts. In New York the population is close by Niagara Falls so the power doesn't have to travel far.

I want to start construction on the Hoover Damn. It will use generators like Niagara Falls to create the AC power. The resistance will be high because in Nevada the population is concentrated and far away from lake Mead. Most of Nevada is unpopulated so some of the electricity generated will be given to nearby states also. Some examples of the cost to transmit the elctricity are to transmit it to Las Vegas it will take 100 hp to transmit 54 miles at $20 per hp and $28 per kilowatt approximately. To transmit it to Carson City it wil take 410 hp to transmit 250 miles at $20 per hp and $28 per kilowatt. If the Hoover Damn is completed it will be a clean and efficient way to generate electricty. I Hereby support AC power.

Thomas Edison
1/31/2011 12:47:32 am

I was born in Milan, Ohio on February 11, 1847 as the youngest, and seventh, child. I was the fourth child that lived. I was not educated properly – I had less than a year of it. My mother, who was a retired school teacher, taught me in the comfort of our home. I thank her ever so dearly for giving me the encouragement I needed as a child to read and to experiment on anything that gave me question of thought. I remember creating my very own laboratory by the age of 10. In 1863, I became a telegraph operator. There, in the city of Boston, one of my first inventions that really caught the public’s eye was the phonograph, a device that recorded sound. Although the quality was poor, the mere existence of the device caused people to be more interested in the world of technology.
I married a beautiful woman by the name of Mary Stillwell on December 25, 1871. She died on August 8. 1884… I remarried two years later to Mina Miller. All together, I have six children. Three are from the first mother, and the other three are from second mother. I have created many, many inventions.
In the year of 1878, I began to work on the incandescent light bulb. After about the 6,000 try, I discovered a filament from bamboo that could last for about 1,000 hours!

Harold Brickner
1/31/2011 12:50:12 am

Adding on to what James Williams said, I beieve that changing to aleternating current will hurt our country’s economy tremendously. Direct current keeps and provides jobs in mines, and alternating current decreases the jobs in mines.

Governor of New York
1/31/2011 12:55:40 am

I am the Governor of New York (MP)
To George Westinghouse
I agree with you that we should use Alternating Current, as the main power source of America. It works good because it can send a lot of power a very long distances.

Tom Robinson (D.T)
1/31/2011 12:56:12 am

I am Tom Robinson. I'm a young, 15 year old coal miner who lives in Pennsylvania. I personally would prefer DC as the source, because it's a lot more reliable for the safety of the miners. The AC power is to "wild", and can possibly harm the miners. This would be a very bad thing to risk, especially since we're all boys. So we should just use DC to ensure the safety of the miners who work so hard to supply America with coal.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
1/31/2011 12:56:47 am

In reference to Mr. Williams posting, about how many copper mining jobs will be lost due to the use of A.C. power. I just want to point out that if we were to use A.C. power would be creating more new, safer jobs with much higher pay than copper or coal mining, such as constructions of water power gathering structures, construction of dams, maintenance of dams and power plants. Due to the use of A.C. we will need thousands of workers in order to construct man made dams and harvest the power.

Thomas Edison
1/31/2011 12:59:05 am

Dear Mr. Tom Robinson,
I support your choice on choosing DC. You are very correct: AC is very dangerous because of how powerful it can become. I myself have read many reports on sudden death caused by the AC power. With DC, the people can live in content knowing that they are not at a constant risk of fatal injury or death.

Charles Williamson
1/31/2011 01:00:01 am

I agree with James Williams, I think that America should use DC power because it will give people more jobs and let them be able to support their families.

Roswell Colcord (AS)
1/31/2011 01:01:05 am

In reference to James Williams, I honor that you take pride in your work and apprentice your father, but mining is a very dangerous business. Hydroelectric power is a much cleaner and efficient power source and I suggest you support AC because there is a lot of money involved in the hydroelectric industry and it will only go up in value.

Cornilious Franklin Helium (VHS)
1/31/2011 01:03:45 am

I would like to argue with The Governor of New York, I believe that the use of natural water is an abuse towards our natural, touristic, wonderful water sights of Niagara Falls… (Not to mention that you misspelled Niagara) And it is a horrible idea to put AC power throughout America!! Everyone could die, you put everyone in dancer, and it is not very efficient.

Tom Robinson (D.T)
1/31/2011 01:05:52 am

George Westinghouse, I disagree with you, because if we used DC, we would need coal, which lets us still have jobs. If we switched to AC, many people would be angry due to the job loss.

Thomas Edison
1/31/2011 01:08:08 am

In reference to Mr. Westinghouse’s post, I would just like to say that A.C. is NOT a safe power to use. However, I do agree that it is powerful, but perhaps too powerful. I have read many reports in the paper that sudden death has occurred due to your current. It is a constant risk for our coal miners working around the AC power. At any moment, something could explode or kill someone. We cannot have this risk. Which would you feel safer with? A power that is reported constantly dangerous and life-threatening? Or one that holds safety and security?

Charles Williamson
1/31/2011 01:11:16 am

I agree with Tom Robinson. I think that America should use DC power because it can create jobs for citizens and it is safer to work with, because of the lower voltage. It will dramatically decrease the number of deaths from electrocution.

Thomas Edison
1/31/2011 01:13:42 am

Cornilious Franklin Helium – I strongly agree with your comment. We will be using way too much water, and AC should not be mixed with such a substance, being as it is dangerous enough by itself.

Francis Upton
1/31/2011 01:15:27 am

I agree with Tom, James, and C.F. DC power is MUCH safer than AC power and in Tom’s and James’ situation, you need to provide for your family. I also believe that Mr. Westinghouse and Mr. Tesla are wrong. The Government Representatives are very smart to choose DC. It is the better choice because of the safety. I agree with Mr. Jehl and also. We are loyal to Mr. Edison, so we would think that DC is better than AC. AC is too dangerous for the use of the public. It will also cost too much money to switch the country to AC. The Governors of New York and Nevada are wrong. It would be too costly to switch over.

Charles Williamson
1/31/2011 01:20:06 am

Referring to George Westinghouse, using AC power is putting thousands of coal miners out of jobs and leaving them and their families on the streets.

Thomas Edison
1/31/2011 01:22:46 am

Yes, AC will cost more to switch over because of how much power it uses. Also, if I may point out, AC wires are not buried underneath the ground. DC wires are. I believe AC wires should seriously consider covering their wires, because when the AC wire is exposed and strung all around the cities, it produces a word that I just love using: RISK. Everyone in the city will be having their death’s hanging over their heads – literally. The exposed wires could attract lightning, but otherwise, they are a constant threat to the people and their families. I think it was very wise of the DC Electricity companies to bury the wires where it is MUCH less likely that they will impose any harm to innocent lives.

James Williams (AG)
1/31/2011 01:24:30 am

I agree with you Mr. Tom Robinson, DC is very safe.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
1/31/2011 06:10:14 am

In reference to Mr.Robinson's juvenile response on how the A.C. power source is too "Wild". I would just like to point out that here at my company "Westinghouse Interests" we have came up with 2 succesful ways to keep the A.C. power safe. First thing is we have created a way for our wires to travel safely underground. So that there is no possibility for people to get shocked by a falling wire. We have also come up with a converter system which decreases the voltage going into the wires so that no physical harm can be done by our wires.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
1/31/2011 06:38:19 am

In reference to mr.Upton's posting. I would like to point out to him that you say, D.C. electric currents lose power after only a mile! Our A.C. power can keep a constant voltage for more than 200 miles. Also I would like to point out that the man who died, did die by a high amount of voltage, but how did the man die by the voltage, was it by a human mistake in which he could have been harmed by D.C. power as well. Did the man not properly handle the wires?

Harold Brickner (ON)
1/31/2011 06:40:52 am

I agree with Tom Robinson. Will using alternating current affect your safety or your jobs more in a coal mine?

1/31/2011 06:43:04 am

Mr. Westinghouse I disagree completely! Using water source power plants is inconvenient in places where water sources are scares. Although your current can travel far, it can’t travel far enough. Direct current can’t travel far, but we use easily accessible plants every few miles which can carry current without water sources. By converting to alternating current many workers will lose their jobs, since your power source doesn’t accommodate them. Although you plan to hire many workers to build dams, once they are built they will be out of work again. How do you suppose the government pays for all of your equipments? Including costs for equipment, the people of our country can afford little electricity, but adding in costs for inverters and higher priced electricity will crash the industry, which will crash our economy. If that happens how do you plan to fix the mess you made?

Harold Brickner (ON)
1/31/2011 06:45:18 am

Francis Upton I agree with your statements, but I feel your description is vague, considering the fact that direct current power plants are complex and works of art.

Harold Brickner (ON)
1/31/2011 06:50:46 am

Francis Jehl’s arguement was a perfect explanation why we, as a country should choose DC! Thomas Edison and his company have been around longer, and discovering the best first. He continues to discover, so why stop those discoveries!

Harold Brickner
1/31/2011 06:56:59 am

Contradicting the Governor of New York, I speak for our country here. Yes, for your business booming city alternating current will bring in more business, or so you predict. How do you predict that? Also, it was the citizens of New York who displayed their need for safety from the electric power they use(AC), due to the weather conditions. Why would you go against your own state for a current which is mainly only beneficial to your business’?

Harold Brickner (ON)
1/31/2011 07:02:00 am

Piggy Backing off of Cornilious Franklin Helium’s statement, DC is better for the common people, which our country mainly consists of. Listen to what the people want before deciding what will help you or your business.

Harold Brickner (ON)
1/31/2011 07:08:00 am

Nikola Tesla, yes we know you helped to create ac power, but just because you made it doesn’t say in any way how and why its better. You have nothing to support your arguement, so im assuming your just going by what your boss tells you.

Harold Brickner (ON)
1/31/2011 07:13:14 am

Charles Williamson, I am a government representative myself, and I agree completely with your statement. Direct current is the better choice for our country’s government, economy, and people.

Harold Brickner (ON)
1/31/2011 07:25:13 am

Roswell Colcord, I like the fact that your looking out for what’s best for your state, but think about the federal government. They cannot provide all the money to fund your building of generators, especially with the high priced electricity people will have to pay for their electricity, which they wont be able to afford. This will crash our economy, which concludes to our nation crashing.

Harold Brickner (ON)
1/31/2011 07:30:33 am

Thomas Edison, I admire your inventions greatly, but you, as the source of those in favor of direct current, give us more specific reasons why you agree with direct current, without regarding the fact that you discovered it.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
1/31/2011 08:07:33 am

In reference to Mr.Jehl's comments on how the A.C. power system is "too powerful" and uses "too many volts". First thing I would like to say is, A.C. power is guaranteed safe for underground uses, we here at The Westinghouse Company have came up with a converter system to reduce the amount of volts which go into the wires. I would also like to say something about the people who have died using the A.C. power sources. You say that some of these people died by falling on wires which use A.C. power, now i agree that A.C. power uses more volts but the voltage in a D.C. wire could also kill someone if they fell on it. So I don’t think A.C. is to blame on all these electric deaths, where it could have happened if the wires were using D.C.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
1/31/2011 08:23:51 am

In reference to mr.Helium's posting. I would first like to say that I believe you have your information mixed up. A.C. power is the source which powers lights, air conditioning and so on, while D.C. is just like a battery, with limited reach and limited power. The second part i want to point out is what I have been telling everyone about and that is the converter system which lowers the voltage amount in wires to keep the current safe.

George Wesinghouse (M.K.)
1/31/2011 08:30:53 am

In reference to the Governor of New York, i agree with your descision, for the reason that you said we can help to form new jobs for, miners, and prospectors. We will need thousands of workers in order to create man made dams and plants to harvest the power of Niagra Falls.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
1/31/2011 08:41:37 am

In reference to Harold Bricker's posting i would be pleased to inform you that due to the economy "slowing down in some areas" there is also areas which the economy will speed up. There will be a high demand for construction workers, for we will need thousands of workers to help build dams all over ther world and man keep these dams in working conditions. I would also like to anounce that those who work to help build these dams will get paid much more than any mining job, for you said that coal went for roughly 3$ a ton which, a ton if coal takes a while to get and you only get paid 3$, not considering dispursing that money to all the other workers.

If you are concerned about safety then we have news for you. We have came up with a converter system which lowers the amount of volts that go into the wires, which will create a safer flow of electricity.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
1/31/2011 08:54:24 am

In reference to Nikola Tesla's posting, I would like to agree with you that A.C. is better and thank you for working for me. I believe that A.C. is better for just a few reasons, one its cheapness, its infinite abundance, its practicality, its power and now its new safety modifers. The A.C. power is cheap yet very powerful and osme people argue that it is too powerful but me and Tesla have came up with the converter system which regulates voltage in wires.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
1/31/2011 09:13:22 am

In reference to Charles Williams posting, I would like to point to you a few key problems with your statement. First of all, if America was to switch over to A.C. power we would be able to form thousands of new jobs, which would replace the miner’s jobs and create some new ones. Second of all, if you have a higher resistance using D.C. power, that’s a reason not to use D.C. power. Third of all as I have responded to everyone who has made the "not safe" comment, we here at the Westinghouse Company have created a converter system which lowers the voltage that’s put in the wires.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
1/31/2011 09:21:41 am

In reference to Roswell Colcord's posting, i would like to not only agree with him but also say that, with all these dams such as the Hoover damn, we will need hundreds or perhaps even thousands of workers to build or maintain these dams. We will also be able to spread this power over hundreds of miles so everyone will have power, even in hard to reach places. Plus this power is cheap to make and does'nt waste any natural resources.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
1/31/2011 09:36:18 am

in reference to Mr.Edisons posting, I would like to point out that your information does'nt relate to the debate over A.C. and D.C. power. I would like to point out that A.C. power will create many new jobs and allow power to be spread to people far and wide. I also want to coment about the safety concerns. We here at Wstinghouse Interests have created a converter system which lowers the amount of voltage put in wires.

James Williams (AG)
1/31/2011 10:42:02 am

In response to Mr. Westinghouse’s comments, I would like to say that alternating current is a more dangerous current than DC, and here in America I believe safety should be a priority.

James Williams (AG)
1/31/2011 10:48:16 am

Very well stated Mr. Upton, I believe safety is a major priority in the U.S.A. and also, I, being a copper miner, know how important it is that we continue to use DC since it uses more copper than AC and we have always had a need for more industry in the mining business.

James Williams
1/31/2011 10:50:35 am

As one of the people I agree with Mr. Jehl, not only does DC use my product (copper) more than AC, but it is safer for us all.

James Williams
1/31/2011 10:52:57 am

Mr. Governor of New York I as a copper miner and son of a copper miner believe that the mining industry is too great and should never stop, there are more jobs in a much wider expanse of space in mining than just in the places near fall’s and dam’s.

James Williams (AG)
1/31/2011 10:56:57 am

I agree with you Mr. Helium, Electricity, even if it is slightly slower, should be safe.

James Williams (AG)
1/31/2011 10:59:11 am

Very well stated Mr. Brickner, as copper being my trade, I believe it is the right Idea to use Direct current because, not only is it safer, but it uses much more copper wire more than AC.

James Williams (AG)
1/31/2011 11:01:29 am

I am at a disagreement with you Mr. Tesla. I disagree with your work because, not only does it not use my copper wire as much as DC, but it is also dangerous and uses unnecessary volts of power.

James Williams (AG)
1/31/2011 11:03:42 am

I agree Mr. Williamson that DC is safer, which is a major priority in the United States, but it also gives jobs to both Coal and copper miners, which I believe to be its greatest perk.

James Williams (AG)
1/31/2011 11:05:51 am

Mr. Colcord I believe that your 2,700,000 kilowatts, which you use to power AC is an outrageous amount of power and threatens any man who gets close enough to touch any of your wires. So therefore we should use Direct Current because of its safety to the people.

Richard Coke (A.B)
2/1/2011 06:40:50 am

In response to Mr. Westinghouse’s first post, what about all the deaths that have been caused by Alternating Current?

Richard Coke (A.B)
2/1/2011 06:44:00 am

In response to Mr. Upton’s first post what if we need to kill a criminal and DC can not do that?

Richard Coke (A.B)
2/1/2011 06:46:36 am

In response to Mr. Jehl’s first post you said that AC voltage is still higher even though it goes further. Does this mean that DC can’t do what AC can do?

Richard Coke (A.B)
2/1/2011 06:48:09 am

In response to the Governor of New York’s first post, will other states also get money from AC?

Richard Coke(A.B)
2/1/2011 06:49:58 am

In response to Cornilious Franklin Helium’s first post, is there proof that DC has not killed a man?

Rickard Coke (A.B)
2/1/2011 06:52:08 am

To Harold Brickner, Will we have hi pollution if we build more electrical plants?

Richard Coke (A.B)
2/1/2011 06:53:49 am

To Mr. Tesla, What is the roationg motor?

Richard Coke (A.B)
2/1/2011 06:55:09 am

To Mr. Williamson, will it only save money for Pennsylvania? Or other states also?

Richard Coke (A.B)
2/1/2011 06:56:56 am

To Mr. Colcord, won’t that be a waste of water to convert it to electricity?

Richard Coke (A.B)
2/1/2011 06:58:17 am

In response to Harold Brickner, how will this hurt our economy?

Richard Coke
2/1/2011 06:59:22 am

To Tom Robinson, What do you mean by AC being to “wild”?

Richard Coke
2/1/2011 07:01:15 am

To Mr. Westinghouse, how is going next to a whole bunch of running water safer than digging holes looking for copper or coal?

Richard Coke
2/1/2011 07:02:38 am

To Thomas Edison, is there proof DC has not killed a man?

Richard Coke
2/1/2011 07:03:48 am

To Mr. Williamson, will switching to AC not let people support their families?

Richard Coke
2/1/2011 07:05:36 am

To Mr. Colcord, is working with thousands of volts of electricity not safer than digging holes looking for coal or copper?

Richard Coke
2/1/2011 07:07:21 am

To Mr. Helium how is AC using Niagara Falls an “abuse” to the environment

Richard Coke
2/1/2011 07:08:16 am

Tom Robinson, will AC not let you have jobs?

Richard Coke
2/1/2011 07:09:59 am

Charles Williamson, you said that DC has a lower voltage, does that mean that it wont be as bright as AC?

Harold Brickner
2/1/2011 07:10:27 am

In response to Richard Coke the power sources we need to expand the current are simple and easy to replicate, resulting in fast moving production. Using all of the governments money to fund your experimental projects in water sources are highly priced, than trying to make our citizens pay for higher priced electricity and converts is obscured, considering no one will be able to afford it.

Richard Coke
2/1/2011 07:12:19 am

Mr. Upton, how much would it cost to switch over?

Richard Coke
2/1/2011 07:14:07 am

Mr. Edison, Will it cost more to burry the wires?

Richard Coke
2/1/2011 07:17:40 am

Mr. Westinghouse, if someone could die by AC doesn’t that mean the voltage is way too high?

Richard Coke
2/1/2011 07:19:10 am

To 15NastalaO will building more plants be more expensive than just switching to AC?

Richard Coke
2/1/2011 07:22:38 am

Mr. Westinghouse, if there is an earthquake will that make the cords go above ground causing fires and getting people electrocuted?

Richard Coke
2/1/2011 07:26:07 am

To Mr. Edison and Mr. Westinghouse, I have not seed anything about weather, will rain or any other kind of weather affect your electricity?

Richard Coke
2/1/2011 07:28:54 am

Mr. Brickner, above you have said DC power plants are a complex work of art, here you just said that they are easy to replicate. Which one is it hard or easy to make?

Roswell Colcord
2/1/2011 09:07:27 am

To Tom Robbinson, you have stated no reason to prefer DC other than it it safer than AC. AC uses cleaner resources to generate its power and can travel farther.

Roswell Colcord
2/1/2011 09:10:38 am

To George Westinghouse, i agree with you completely. I am the governor of Nevada and want to start construction on the Hoover Damm, which will use hydroelectric power to generate electricity.

Roswell Colcord
2/1/2011 09:19:44 am

To Francis Upton, i strongly disagree with you, and your reasons to pick DC power actually promote AC. AC can travel farther than DC so you wouldn't have to build powerplants. Powerplants cost a lot of money.

Roswell Colcord
2/1/2011 09:22:09 am

To Francis Jehl, i strongly disagree with you. AC can use hydroelectric power to generate electricity, and can be made safer by limiting the volts in each wire to 300 volts. Anyone who messes with wires anyways is not very smart.

Roswell Colcord
2/1/2011 09:24:00 am

To the Governor of New York. I very much agree with you. I am the Governor of Nevada and want to start construction on the Hoover Damn, which will use hydroelectric power to generate AC power like Niagara Falls.

Roswell Colcord
2/1/2011 09:26:31 am

To MR.HELIUM, i strongly disagree with you. AC appliances are being made and could help just as much around your house. AC is also generated from renewable energy resources like Niagara Falls. It would be a wise choice to choose AC power.

Charles Williamson (C.B)
2/1/2011 09:28:49 am

I agree with you Francis Upton,DC power will be much cheaper

Roswell Colcord
2/1/2011 09:29:25 am

To Harold Brickner, I strongly disagree with you. AC can be made safe by limiting the voltage in each wire to 300 volts, and you can generate it from renewable resources that you don't have to buy, like water!!!

Charles Williamson (C.B)
2/1/2011 09:29:36 am

I agree with Francis Jehl,DC power is cheaper and is a better choice

Charles Williamson (C.B)
2/1/2011 09:30:15 am

I dissagree with the governer of New York, it will cost more to use AC power

Roswell Colcord
2/1/2011 09:31:31 am

To Nikola Tesla, I very much agree with you. I want to start construction on the Hoover Damm, which will generate electricity using hydroelectric power just like Niagara Falls.

Francis Jehl
2/1/2011 09:34:42 am

in regards to Westinghouses false statement, that AC is better than DC. I would like to question him. You said that people COULD have died by falling on a DC wire but i think and so do my colleages that until that happens your statement is false and you obviously were just trying to cover up your power sources cons. so ha.

Roswell Colcord
2/1/2011 09:35:25 am

To George Williamson, I think AC power would be a great choice for Pennsylvania. Coal is a fossil fuel and can cause lung cancer and kill people. AC power can be ran off of Hydroelectric power using water, which never goes away. In the future, they could make wind turbines that create AC power.

Charles Williamson (C.B)
2/1/2011 09:36:00 am

I agree with C. F. Helium,DC power is cheaper and safer to work with

Charles Williamson (C.B)
2/1/2011 09:37:01 am

I agree with Harold Birckner,DC power is safer and cheaper

Richard Coke
2/1/2011 09:37:04 am

i understand where you are coming from but AC is still dangerous and should not be used often because it pertains a serious risk that it has towards the US and its people.

Roswell Colcord
2/1/2011 09:39:37 am

To Thomas Edison, I strongly disagree with you. You may of had great accomplishments, but i bet that all of them could of been done with AC also. DC also is generated by fossil fuels like coal. AC is generated with renewable resources like water, which doesn't kill people or run out eventually.

Francis Jehl(ANB)
2/1/2011 09:43:43 am

in regards to James Williams post, I strongly agree. DC power gives many people jobs. If we stop using DC power what are the hundreds of men supposed to do that are coal miners. The quantity of copper needed will decrease causing many copper mines to go out of business. That is one of the many reasons DC is the better power source for our country and our people.

Francis Jehl(ANB)
2/1/2011 09:44:24 am

With consideration to Tom Robinson’s post, I strongly agree. He proved a good point that we should use DC power because it is safe. By using AC power we run the risk of losing citizens of this great nation.

Francis Jehl(ANB)
2/1/2011 09:45:08 am

After reading George Westinghouse’s opinion I strongly disagree with his opinion that AC is a better power source for our country. What George Westinghouse did not consider is the cost of switching to AC power. This would cost the country a significant amount of money. Even though AC power company is taking steps towards making AC power safer. It will still take a large amount of time and supplies. DC has already made the steps to make our power source safe.

Francis Jehl(ANB)
2/1/2011 09:45:48 am

Francis Upton proves some good points in his post that DC is a better choice. AC has killed many workers. Why would we take the chance of eliminating the lives of our population only to see our country’s population decrease significantly?

Francis Jehl(ANB)
2/1/2011 09:46:26 am

The Governor is being outrageous in thinking the AC power source is better for the country. He needs to think about the safety of his children and his children’s children. He also needs to think about how much it would cost him and what his citizens think about switching to AC. I’m sure they won’t be happy when they find out that their governor that they trusted made a decision affecting the state without talking with them first.

Francis Jehl(ANB)
2/1/2011 09:46:55 am

I completely, 100% agree with C.F. Helium. He is right in saying that DC power is more efficient, safe and more useful than AC power.

Francis Jehl(ANB)
2/1/2011 09:47:25 am

I agree with Harold Brickner’s contribution. The amount of volts of AC power that could kill a dog is significantly low. This proves the high dangers of AC.

Francis Jehl(ANB)
2/1/2011 09:48:46 am

In Nikola Telsa’s post I agree he did a lot to improve AC power. But nothing will ever make it safe for our people or better than DC.

Francis Jehl(ANB)
2/1/2011 09:53:38 am

I completely believe with Charles Williamson and Thomas Edison. DC will save people money and is better and safer for our country.

Roswell Colcord
2/1/2011 09:53:43 am

To Richard Coke, i don't know where the earthquake thing came from but it was very immature and it was a desparate move. An earthquake that size to expose underground wires would likely exterminate the population anyways.

Roswell Colcord
2/1/2011 09:55:27 am

To Francis Jehl, I don't know what your definition of useful is for DC, but AC appliances can be created also to accomplish the same tasks as DC.

Francis Jehl(ANB)
2/1/2011 09:56:48 am

Roswell is outrageous. He hasnt proved at all that AC power is better, or more efficient than DC power. He spending more money by trying to build dams to switch to AC power.

Roswell Colcord
2/1/2011 10:00:20 am

To James Williams, The 2,7000,000 volts will be distributed among other cities, that is a combined number of all the generators at Niagara Falls. Any man that works there doesn't operate anywhere close to where the elctricity would be generated. If maintenance had to be performed on the generators they would be shut off.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
2/1/2011 10:00:51 am

In reference to the Governor of New York's response to me. I would like to thank him, and also point out that, with the Niagra Falls project we will be creating hundreds perhaps even thousands of new jobs.

Roswell Colcord
2/1/2011 10:03:35 am

To MR.JEHL, AC power is generated by renewable resources that won't cause lung cancer, kill you. or ever run out. Can you say the same thing about coal.

Roswell Colcord
2/1/2011 10:05:27 am

To Mr.Westinghouse, i agree with you and the Governor of New York. Also With my Hoover Damn to be in construction soon, lots of job opportunities will be created also.

Cornilious Franklin Helium
2/1/2011 10:07:11 am

In response to Thomas Edison, Francis Upton, Harold Bricker and James William, thank you for your positive comments and facing the fact that D.C. power is what mostly everybody wants... and that it benefits everybody too, even when it comes to saving ones life. Now, George Westinghouse, I admire your opinions and fighting for what you believe is right; however, the ratio of the people that want DC power to the people that want AC power, is a whole lot higher. You might want to take under consideration of not thinking only of yourself and your money income. And in response to Richard coke, The Governor of New York believes that using Niagara Falls is a positive way to help AC power work better, and I don't think we should be using any water resources in this specially "Niagara Falls"... you never know, maybe in like 2011 the world might be fighting for this water that was wasted in something useless.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
2/1/2011 10:07:30 am

In reference to mr.Robinsons response to me, I would like to argue that, with new technology created by Tesla, and some of my top inventors have came up with a converter system. Which lowers the voltage that is put in the wires, but doesnt decrease the distance the electricity travels.

Nikola Tesla (TM)
2/1/2011 10:09:10 am

To Mr. Williamson, DC may be cheaper but AC is better beacuse its alot easier for energy to get through and alot quicker.

NIkola Tesla (TM)
2/1/2011 10:11:24 am

To Mr. Westinghouse,my good friend I agree with you we have made the adjustments that had to be made to make AC alot safer.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
2/1/2011 10:15:09 am

In reference to mr.Edison's response to my blog. I would first like to answer your question, and the answer is neither of your options, i would like a power source which is powerful yet safe, which is what my A.C. power is. I then would like to argue the ways that A.C. power is safe. We have came up here at my company, a "Converter System" which lowers the amount of voltage put into the wires, but doesnt decrease the distance that the electricity travels. This ensurs that the voltage is enough to power things but not enough to kill or harm people.

Nikola Tesla (TM)
2/1/2011 10:17:22 am

in response to Concord, I agree with you completely. AC is very beneficial to our country.We use renewable resources and make sure that what we are providing will be safe for our consumers.

Cornilious Franklin Helium
2/1/2011 10:18:32 am

George Westinghouse and Roswell Colcord how would this recycling waters project work anyways? how do you plan in reusing this water? And don't get me started on employment, I can even create an even bigger company that will be for DC power and will be a lot more powerful than an AC power company. It will employ so many more people specially because it is what they want and it is what is best. Thank you Mr.Jehl for agreeing with my comment, I believe we are on the same page.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
2/1/2011 10:19:44 am

In reference to mr.Williamson's response to me. I would like to say one thing. This one thing is, that even though thousands of coal miners will be put out of jobs. We will be in need of thousands of workers to help build, maintain, operate, and repair hundred or even thousands of man made dams.

NIkola Tesla (TM)
2/1/2011 10:23:24 am

in response to each and every one of your arguments against AC,your only argument is that it kills people but very few people have died from this. We are making precautions so that no one has to suffer a unjust death!

Governor of New York
2/1/2011 10:30:03 am

To George Westinghouse Thanks for agreing and I agree with you on your decisions for AC.

Nikola Tesla (TM)
2/1/2011 10:30:42 am

Some of my opponents are saying that it will cost alot of money to transfer to AC but isnt the countrys best interest worth the money?

Governor of New York
2/1/2011 10:31:37 am

To Tom Robinson I think that you will be able to get a new and better job with AC than DC. There is alot more work that you could be doing.

Governor of New York
2/1/2011 10:33:19 am

To Nikola Tesla I agree with you on what your saying, but i dont realy understand what your trying to say.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
2/1/2011 10:33:36 am

In reference to 15NastalaO's response. I would first like to ask, how is your plan to build D.C. power plants every "few miles" going to be any cheaper than my idea to build only a small number of hydroelectric powerplants in reach state. I would also like to ask what state you would say has scarce water sources for our hydroelectric power plants. Finally i would like to ask if you plan to build a D.C. power plant every few miles for hundreds of miles, if so you are looking at millions of dollars in equipment.

Nikola Tesla (TM)
2/1/2011 10:33:47 am

In response to Mr. Jehl, you make some good points but AC is more efficent.

Nikola Tesla (TM)
2/1/2011 10:35:31 am

in response to Mr. Richard Coke, all I have to say is look it up.

Governor of New York
2/1/2011 10:37:14 am

To Harold Brincker I think that the people will be a lot happier once the project starts. Also it will bring lots of money to the state of New York so that is good.

Governor of New York
2/1/2011 10:41:33 am

To Francis Uptown I think that you should reconsider AC power. It is not that dangerous only if you are not carefull with it as you were talking about earlier.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
2/1/2011 10:41:57 am

In response to mr.William's arguement. I would like to ask if you read my original blog, and if not the answer to my response is in the bottom paragraph. But i will restate it anyway, we here at The Westinghouse Company have came up with a converter system which brings the voltage down to the level that D.C. has. Making it as safe as D.C.

Governor of New York
2/1/2011 10:46:04 am

To Francis Jehl I think that it will not cost that much when you think about how much you are going to be making off of all the areas you will be getting power from.

Governor of New York
2/1/2011 10:47:50 am

To Cornilious Franklin Helium I think as a governor you should try new things. For example switch to something that is AC and see how you like it. I guaranteed you will.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
2/1/2011 10:47:56 am

In response to mr.Coke's comment to my posting. I would like to say that your posting lacked much detail and didnt give any examples. I would like to ask you how the deaths were caused and ask yourself if they would have done the same thing with the D.C. power system, would the same problem had occured?

Governor of New York
2/1/2011 10:50:40 am

To Roswell Colcord I agree with everything that you said. It is describing AC power perfectly, and i believe that thing will be smoother and faster with AC. I think that using water as a energy source is going to be the future.

Francis Upton (JLG)
2/1/2011 10:52:08 am

Mr. Coke, there are many ways to kill a person, like lethal injection and gunshot, those are less cruel, unusual, and painful than an electric chair. It would cost millions of dollars to switch from DC to AC. Mr. Westinghouse, the man was a TRAINED electrician, it is highly unlikely that he mishandled the wires, and we already have DC power stations all over the country.Mr. Colcord, you think that spending millions of dollars to switch to AC is a good thing? Okay.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
2/1/2011 10:59:50 am

in reference to mr.Coke's second comment on how building next to running water is any safer than digging holes looking for coal or copper. I would like to say that it is'nt much safer. But that doesnt make a point either way on which power is better.

James Williams (AG)
2/1/2011 11:00:18 am

Very well stated Mr. Brickner, I am glad you agree with my thaughts.

James Williams (AG)
2/1/2011 11:02:27 am

sorry, *thoughts.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
2/1/2011 11:02:58 am

in response to mr.Coke's third comment i would like to say that, here at The Westinghouse company we have came up with a converter system which lowers voltage in the wires, thus making them safer to handle.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
2/1/2011 11:05:53 am

In response to mr.Coke's 4th comment i would like to respond by saying, no because the electricity doesnt freely flow. The electricity flows through insulated wires which keeps all weather related things out.

Cornilious Franklin Helium
2/1/2011 11:07:35 am

Mr. Governor, i am just stating the facts... if i was in a position of power, I would work with either DC or AC. I believe, however, that it should be decided by the people and not only the people in power, like yourself. I appreciate the offer and i will consider it, but i would like to suggest you turn you view points as well.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
2/1/2011 11:10:18 am

In response to mr.Coke's 5th comment i would like to first say no, because a earthquake doesnt cause the wires that are burried underground to come up. I would bemore worried about the D.C. wires which are placed above ground, for they will fall down during an earthquake causing most likely alot of harm.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
2/1/2011 11:13:51 am

In response to mr.Coldcord's statement I would also like to say that by creating the hoover dam you will be creating hundreds of jobs.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
2/1/2011 11:17:56 am

In reference to mr.Jehls juvenial statement regarding my posting. I would like to say 1 thing, and that is you say "until that happens" meaning until someone dies by D.C. power. I would like to know how you know someone hasnt died by D.C.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
2/1/2011 11:22:23 am

in response to mr.Jehl's comment on how switching to A.C. power will cost so much money. I would like to ask you if you believe spending some time and money is worth having a stong and safe power source. Or we could just stay with our low powered source.....

James Williams (AG)
2/1/2011 11:27:34 am

Mr. Westinghouse, it does appear that you have looked over one detail, that once a dam is built, it will not require as many men to work it, and when there are no more rivers to be harnessed than they will all be out of work, however, with mining, there is always another mountain to mine. I would also like to say sorry for missreading your primary Blog.

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
2/1/2011 11:28:34 am

To mr.Tesla, i just wanted to add on to your comment about how we have made A.C. alot safer. And that is, if A.C. is safer and more powerful than D.C. then why not everyone use it.

James Williams (AG)
2/1/2011 11:29:01 am

Thank You Mr. Williamson, I am glad we both agree on Direct Current.

James Williams (AG)
2/1/2011 11:30:22 am

I thank your for your proposal Mr. Colcord, but no matter the dangers, I wish to continue to mine, as it is one of the greatest American industries. And copper, I believe, will always be needed in the U.S.

James Williams
2/1/2011 11:31:53 am

Thank you Mr. Upton for agreeing with me, DC is definitely the safest, and best current to use to support us miner’s jobs, and support America.

James Williams (AG)
2/1/2011 11:32:33 am

I thank you, Mr. Jehl for your thoughtful words, I am glad we agree.

James Williams (AG)
2/1/2011 11:33:14 am

Well Mr. Colcord wouldn’t than all the cities and places being lit by the generator black out while the changes were being made, I still believe, if not dangerous, this power is inefficient

George Westinghouse (M.K.)
2/1/2011 11:33:15 am

in reference to James Williams comment about how there will always be another mine to minw. I would like to say that one day all the coal mines will be gone and coal will not be accesable, meaning no more jobs, but the dams, while supporting small amount of jobs, will always be in operation.

James Williams (AG)
2/1/2011 11:34:16 am

Mr. Tesla, I don’t only argue about deaths, but about jobs, there will be many mining jobs lost, and that will result in more deaths than by any current.

James Williams (AG)
2/1/2011 11:36:53 am

Mr. Westinghouse, I dont believe that even my sons grandkids will see that day, so I guess that means we shal just have to wait and see.

John Sherman (H.F.)
2/1/2011 11:50:43 am

Well, Mr.Westinghouse, what about the several deaths that Alternating Current has caused? Alternating Current has a way higher voltage making it much easier to kill a man knowing that 160 volts will kill a dog. I really don't think that's very safe!

John Sherman (H.F.)
2/1/2011 11:53:09 am

Mr. Upton, how do you know that Direct Current “works better?” While it may be safer, Alternating Current may generate more electricity far more efficiently than the “safer” Direct Current.

John Sherman (H.F.)
2/1/2011 11:56:15 am

Hello, Governor of New York!!!! While it may bring more money to New York and make your state even better, it may not benefit the economy of other states because if DC is not used, then it will leave many coal and copper miners unemployed ruining other place's economies.

John Sherman (H.F.)
2/1/2011 12:02:17 pm

Well, Cornilious Franklin Helium, why doesn’t it help in the house with the air conditioning, TV's ( and didn't they only have projectors?), lamps, and other light sources as much as DC does? Also, about your second post, why would “everyone would die” if we switched to AC?

John Sherman
2/1/2011 12:06:04 pm

Mr. Tesla, but what makes AC better than DC?

John Sherman
2/1/2011 12:16:09 pm

Mr. Colord, would it just be less expensive to make power plants all spread out over a few states giving them all equal amounts of power than spend millions on making a dam that will only give one area a lot of power?

John Sherman
2/1/2011 12:22:32 pm

To Mr. Edison, is there anything that can damage your DC electricity or DC wires?

John Sherman
2/1/2011 12:28:11 pm

To Charles Williamon, would some of Pennsylvania be getting power from the Niagara Falls which would have a power source run off of Alternating Current?

John Sherman
2/1/2011 12:30:52 pm

To Governor of New York and Mr. Westinghouse, just because AC can travel farther distances doesn't mean it is better or even safer that DC.

John Jones (JMT)
2/2/2011 08:15:03 am

James Williams, choosing alternating current may mean many honest workers loosing their jobs, but will also create plenty of new, safer jobs to choose from.

John Jones (JMT)
2/2/2011 08:22:35 am

In response to Harold Brickner’s first post, you have made some very important points and alternating current is, by far, much more powerful. However, what if direct current isn’t powerful enough to supply the entire nation?

John Jones (JMT)
2/2/2011 08:23:08 am

In response to Roswell Colcord’s first post, the Hoover Dam project seems like a good idea, but choosing alternating current will greatly affect the economy. It also means that we’ll have to spend lots of money on this project, building new power plants and other things, by choosing alternating current.

John Jones (JMT)
2/2/2011 08:23:37 am

Thomas Edison, have there been any injuries or fatalities of any kind caused by the use of direct current?

John Jones (JMT)
2/2/2011 08:24:09 am

To Cornilious Franklin Helium, Thomas Edison, and everyone else who just can’t seem to get over the fact that alternating current is somewhat dangerous, although alternating current has been proven dangerous at times, this has helped us learn how to better control it and be able to use it throughout the nation.

John Jones (JMT)
2/2/2011 08:24:46 am

Mr. George Westinghouse, just out of curiosity, have you tested to see that these wires are safer?

John Jones (JMT)
2/2/2011 08:25:11 am

To Francis Jehl and Harold Brickner, just because direct current was discovered first by a famous scientist, doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s better or that we should continue researching it. We have a lot more to learn about alternating current, so why should we stop now?

John Jones (JMT)
2/2/2011 08:25:38 am

Mr. Westinghouse, like what Harold Brickner was saying, once the projects are complete, the workers jobs are as well. What do you suppose they do then? That’s twice you’d have cost them their jobs, and this would not help our economy what so ever.

John Jones (JMT)
2/2/2011 08:26:06 am

Mr. Westinghouse, how can you say AC is cheaper when it’ll cost tons of money just to switch to it?

John Jones (JMT)
2/2/2011 08:26:41 am

In response to James Williams, yes, safety is a main priority, but many other things, like how it will affect the economy and which is more efficient, also come into effect. And another thing, I respect that you want to follow in your father’s footsteps and keep the business going, but it’s a very dangerous job and doesn’t offer much. If we don’t have to deal with mining and waste nonrenewable resources, then why should we continue with this? Think about the nation as a whole.

John Jones (JMT)
2/2/2011 08:27:11 am

Tom Robinson, can you please elaborate on, well, pretty much everything you’ve said, which is just why you think AC isn’t as safe as DC and is too “wild”?

John Jones (JMT)
2/2/2011 08:27:35 am

Roswell Colcord, choosing alternating current may help your state, but how do you think it’ll affect the rest of the country?

John Jones
2/2/2011 08:28:01 am

Harold Brickner, do you think that creating more power plants is less expensive than just choosing AC? Explain why.

John Jones
2/2/2011 08:28:23 am

Charles Williamson, can you please elaborate on how DC is “cheaper and better”?

John Jones
2/2/2011 08:28:42 am

Francis Jehl, electricity is obviously dangerous and anything could happen, depending on the voltage and amount of power. AC is just more powerful. Therefore Westinghouse is not completely false. So HA!

John Jones
2/2/2011 08:29:20 am

Mr. Colcord, do you think that using coal could be more efficient?

John Jones
2/2/2011 08:29:43 am

Mr. Westinghouse, how much do you think it will cost to switch to AC if it is chosen?

John Jones
2/2/2011 08:30:06 am

Mr. Francis Jehl, I’m sure the governor talked with his state, first of all. And second, people are already working on ways to make AC safer. If we choose it, then we could figure out a way to make it completely harmless, eventually.

Richard Coke (A,B)
2/3/2011 08:01:18 am

Being the senator of Texas, it was my honor to decide the winner of this AC-DC debate. My vote goes to Mr. Westinghouse's AC current. I have chose this because it seems far more efficient and more powerful than DC current. AC can go further and is more powerful.

John Jones (JMT)
2/3/2011 08:18:52 am

I’m Senator John Jones and I believe that the nation should use alternating current. Although many of you would prefer to use direct current, I think that alternating current would benefit the country as a whole. This would be the better choice for many reasons. One being that alternating current will allow us to send more power farther than using direct current without using up valuable nonrenewable resources. Instead, we would be using natural resources like water to power plants. These plants use the power of large falls and dams, creating more than enough kilowatts of power, which would stretch for hundreds of miles. Another reason it’s more efficient is that, in order to switch the entire country to alternating current, we will need many men to build power plants and falls and dams. Once these jobs are complete, people will need to run the plants. Choosing alternating current may mean the loss of some mining industries, but it’ll create many more, safer, jobs. Many people can’t seem to let go of the fact that the use of alternating current has injured and even killed people. Unfortunately, this is true, yet even now scientists are studying and developing ways to make alternating current safer to the public. Finally, many people are concerned with the amount of money it will take to make this switch and supply electricity to thousands of Americans. This is a great risk we’re taking and I understand that, but taking risks is necessary at times. Alternating current is far more efficient, despite the fact that this choice might harm our economy. Even though it’s not greatly supported, if we work with it more, our country will be safer, happier, and worry free for generations to come.

2/3/2011 11:19:36 am

its all about the biscuit

John Sherman (H.F.)
2/3/2011 11:53:26 pm

Hello! I am John Sherman, and I believe that our nation should switch to alternating current. Even though now, I believe that DC is safer, AC is working on a way to make its system safer too. I believe that this would be better from many standpoints.. The first reason I believe AC would be better than DC is because now that AC uses more renewable resources it may be less expensive. Niagara Falls in New York is also going to be creating 2,700,000 kilowatts of power so the power won’t have to travel far to those in New York, the power is also being sent to other cities. Now that Nevada is making the Hoover Dam, there can be generators like those in Niagara Falls that will create AC power and be sent to residents of Nevada and those near-by. Even though many people may loose their jobs if we choose to use AC, they can get jobs at the power plants and at dams opening all over the place. So in the end, those who loose jobs due to a lack of jobs people are going to need to run the plants, so many who lost their jobs can find ones there. Although right now, it may seem like the better option may be DC, I believe that in the long run, the better option will be AC due to how it is much more efficient.


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